Borderless Philosophy 2 (2019): Fourth and Final Call for Submissions.

The Editorial Team of Borderless Philosophy is pleased to announce a Fourth and Final Call for Submissions for our second issue (2019). Borderless Philosophy is a new and highly progressive philosophy journal, whose first issue, Borderless Philosophy 1 (2018), can be found HERE. Borderless Philosophy publishes works of philosophy without any in-principle restrictions whatsoever as … [continue reading]

The Rational Human Condition, Volumes 1-5.

Robert Hanna’s THE RATIONAL HUMAN CONDITION is a five-volume book series, including: Volume 1. Preface and General Introduction, Supplementary Essays, and General Bibliography   PREVIEW Volume 2. Deep Freedom and Real Persons: A Study in Metaphysics   PREVIEW Volume 3. Kantian Ethics and Human Existence: A Study in Moral Philosophy PREVIEW Volume 4. Kant, Agnosticism, and … [continue reading]

Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #14, 2 (November 2018): Bullets, Corpses, Doctors, & The NRA.

Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is delivered online in weekly installments, month by month. Its aim is to inspire critical, reflective, synoptic thinking and discussion about contemporary issues–in short, public philosophizing in the broadest possible, everyday sense. Every installment contains (1) excerpts from some articles, or full articles, that recently appeared in online public media, … [continue reading]

What Is Democracy? Thinking For A Living: A Philosopher’s Notebook 11

“Diogenes Sheltering in His Barrel,” by John William Waterhouse PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #10: Fear, loathing, and Pascal in Las Vegas. #9: The philosophy of policing, crime, and punishment. #8: The philosophy of borders, immigration, and refugees. #7: The philosophy of old age. #6: Faces, masks, personal identity, and Teshigahara. #5: Processualism, organicism, and the two waves … [continue reading]

Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #14, 1 (November 2018): Crime-&-Punishment Inc., USA.

Starting in November 2018, Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is being delivered in weekly installments, month by month. Every installment contains (1) excerpts from some articles, or full articles, that recently appeared in online public media, (2) some follow-up thoughts for further reflection or discussion, and (3) a link for supplementary reading. 1. “Larry Krasner’s … [continue reading]

Hazel Barnes’s “Self-Encounter: A Study in Existentialism,” Episode 1: Being and Nothingness.

I.  Introduction by Z Hazel Barnes was an American philosopher, the first translator of Sartre’s L’être et le néant, aka Being and Nothingness, into English, and the author of seven original books in Existentialist philosophy, including The Literature of Possibility: A Study in Humanistic Existentialism (1959) and An Existentialist Ethics (1967). In The Literature of … [continue reading]

The Philosophy of Policing, Crime, and Punishment. Thinking For A Living: A Philosopher’s Notebook 9

“Diogenes Sheltering in His Barrel,” by John William Waterhouse PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #8: The philosophy of borders, immigration, and refugees. #7: The philosophy of old age. #6: Faces, masks, personal identity, and Teshigahara. #5: Processualism, organicism, and the two waves of the organicist revolution. #4: Realistic idealism: ten theses about mind-dependence. #3: Kant, universities, The Deep(er) … [continue reading]

Democratic Socialism and Social Anarchism: Convergence, Prima Facie Divergence, Reconciliation. Foundations of Anarchism and Socialism 9

APP Editors’ Note: This is the ninth in a series on the historical and philosophical foundations of anarchism and socialism, with special reference to social anarchism (aka “anarcho-socialism,” “libertarian socialism,” etc.) and democratic socialism. We decided to devote the first five installments of the series to the Democratic Socialists of America, aka the DSA, and … [continue reading]

An Existential Argument for Anarchism. Foundations of Anarchism and Socialism 8

            APP Editors’ Note: This is the eighth in a series on the historical and philosophical foundations of anarchism and socialism, with special reference to social anarchism (aka “anarcho-socialism,” “libertarian socialism,” etc.) and democratic socialism. We decided to devote the first five installments of the series to the Democratic Socialists … [continue reading]

Social Anarchism or Lifestyle Anarchism: An Unbridgeable Chasm. Foundations of Anarchism and Socialism 7

APP Editors’ Note: This is the seventh in a series on the historical and philosophical foundations of anarchism and socialism, with special reference to social anarchism (aka “anarcho-socialism,” “libertarian socialism,” etc.) and democratic socialism. We decided to devote the first five installments of the series to the Democratic Socialists of America, aka the DSA, and … [continue reading]