A Philosopher’s Diary, #14–ChatGPT, High-Tech Plagiarism, and The Neoliberal University.

The descriptive sub-title of this blog—Against Professional Philosophy—originally created and rolled out in 2013, is “A Co-Authored Anarcho-Philosophical Diary.” Now, ten years later, after more than 350,000 views of the site, this series, A Philosopher’s Diary, finally literally instantiates that description by featuring short monthly entries by one or another of the members of the … [continue reading]

Toward a Critique of Psychedelic Reason, #5–Elaboration 3, & Conclusion.

(Vervaeke, 2022) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Magic Mushrooms and Drug Use in Modern Society 3. A Preliminary Phenomenology of Psychedelic Experience 4. Elaborations 1 &2 5. Elaboration 3, & Conclusion REFERENCES This essay will be published in five installments; this fifth and final installment contains the third part of section 4, the Conclusion, … [continue reading]

Much-Too-Quick Overviews, #24: Dialectic of Enlightenment.

Much-Too-Quick Overviews, written, produced, and presented by Andrew D. Chapman, is a series of easily accessible, concise presentations of otherwise not-so-easily-accessible, not-so-concise philosophy, intended as starting-points for further independent inquiry and critical thinking, whether inside or outside the professional academy. PREVIOUS EPISODES: 1. Existentialism 2. Feminism 3. LGBTQ+ Rights 4. Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems 5. The … [continue reading]

Corruption, Falsity, and Fraud: The Epistemological Crisis of Professional Academic Research.

(SocialNeuro, 2023) You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay by scrolling to the bottom of the post and clicking on the Download tab. Corruption, Falsity, and Fraud: The Epistemological Crisis of Professional Academic Research 1. Introduction Professional academic psychological research illustrates well the problem of … [continue reading]

More Creative Rage Against the Computing Machine: Creative Materials and Social Contexts.

(TM, 2023) (PMA, 2023) You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay by scrolling to the bottom of this post and clicking on the Download tab. More Creative Rage Against the Computing Machine: Creative Materials and Social Contexts In “Creative Rage Against The Computing Machine: Necessary … [continue reading]

Gödel’s Theorems, the (In)Consistency of Arithmetic, and the Fundamental Mistake of Analytic Philosophers of Mathematical Logic.

Kurt Gödel (1906-1978) and the first page of (Gödel, 1931/1967) You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay by scrolling to the bottom of this post and clicking on the Download tab. Gödel’s Theorems, the (In)Consistency of Arithmetic, and the Fundamental Mistake of Analytic Philosophers of … [continue reading]

Toward a Critique of Psychedelic Reason, #3–A Preliminary Phenomenology of Psychedelic Experience.

(Vervaeke, 2022) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Magic Mushrooms and Drug Use in Modern Society 3. A Preliminary Phenomenology of Psychedelic Experience 4. Elaborations 5. Conclusion This essay will be published in five installments; this installment contains section 3. But you can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text … [continue reading]

Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 8 (2023): THE PRIMACY OF SENSIBILITY.

“Morning/Der Morgen,” By Caspar David Friedrich (1821-1822) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Elma Berisha (Ibn Haldun University, TR), “Paradoxes of The Self Through Kantian Lenses: The Notion of Apperception,“ 1-18: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/cskp-8-2023-elma-berisha-paradoxes-of-the-self-through-kantian-lenses-1-18 2. Addison Ellis (American University in Cairo, EG), “Self-Consciousness and the Priority Question: A Critique of the ‘Sensibility First’ Reading of Kant,” 19-49: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/cskp-8-2023-addison-ellis-a-critique-of-the-sensibility-first-reading-of-kant-19-49 3. … [continue reading]