THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK 17 PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #16: The political aesthetics of outer space. #15: The paradox of distributive social justice, and what is to be done? #14: How a priori knowledge is really possible. #13: Is a priori knowledge really possible? Yes; here’s proof. #12: Is human free agency really possible? … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #16, 1 (January 2019): Is Human Nature Fundamentally Bad?
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is delivered online in (occasionally discontinuous) weekly installments, month by month. Its aim is to inspire critical, reflective, synoptic thinking and discussion about contemporary issues–in short, public philosophizing in the broadest possible, everyday sense. Every installment contains (1) excerpts from one or more articles, or one or more complete articles, … [continue reading]
The Political Aesthetics of Outer Space.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK 16 PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #15: The paradox of distributive social justice, and what is to be done? #14: How a priori knowledge is really possible. #13: Is a priori knowledge really possible? Yes; here’s proof. #12: Is human free agency really possible? Yes; here’s how. #11: What is democracy? … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #15, 3 (December 2018): Monetizing Morality.
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is delivered online in (occasionally discontinuous) weekly installments, month by month. Its aim is to inspire critical, reflective, synoptic thinking and discussion about contemporary issues–in short, public philosophizing in the broadest possible, everyday sense. Every installment contains (1) excerpts from one or more articles, or one or more complete articles, … [continue reading]
Why There Can’t Be a Natural Science of Consciousness.
Cognitive neuroscientists and science-obsessed philosophers of mind frequently claim that they’re “going to unravel the mystery of consciousness” via natural science one of these days.[i] But it just ain’t going to happen. Andrew has many excellent students who care more about real philosophy than about getting bank-able grades. One of them wrote to him recently … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #15, 2 (December 2018): The Dignitarian Case Against Capital Punishment.
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is delivered online in (occasionally discontinuous) weekly installments, month by month. Its aim is to inspire critical, reflective, synoptic thinking and discussion about contemporary issues–in short, public philosophizing in the broadest possible, everyday sense. Every installment contains (1) excerpts from one or more articles, or one or more complete articles, … [continue reading]
Kropotkin’s “The Conquest of Bread”: Two Main Arguments Rationally Reconstructed. Foundations of Anarchism and Socialism 10
APP Editors’ Note: This is the tenth in a series on the historical and philosophical foundations of anarchism and socialism, with special reference to social anarchism (aka “anarcho-socialism,” “libertarian socialism,” etc.) and democratic socialism. We decided to devote the first five installments of the series to the Democratic Socialists of America, aka the DSA, and … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #15, 1 (December 2018): Why We Should Subvert and Dismantle Social Media.
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is delivered online in (occasionally discontinuous) weekly installments, month by month. Its aim is to inspire critical, reflective, synoptic thinking and discussion about contemporary issues–in short, public philosophizing in the broadest possible, everyday sense. Every installment contains (1) excerpts from one or more articles, or one or more complete articles, … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #14, 3 (November 2018): Why You Should Exit the Professional Academy.
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is delivered online in (occasionally discontinuous) weekly installments, month by month. Its aim is to inspire critical, reflective, synoptic thinking and discussion about contemporary issues–in short, public philosophizing in the broadest possible, everyday sense. Every installment contains (1) excerpts from one or more articles, or one or more complete articles, … [continue reading]
Is Human Free Agency Really Possible? Yes; Here’s How. Thinking For A Living: A Philosopher’s Notebook 12
“Diogenes Sheltering in His Barrel,” by John William Waterhouse PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #11: What Is Democracy? #10: Fear, loathing, and Pascal in Las Vegas: radical agnosticism. #9: The philosophy of policing, crime, and punishment. #8: The philosophy of borders, immigration, and refugees. #7: The philosophy of old age. #6: Faces, masks, personal identity, and Teshigahara. #5: … [continue reading]