“Girl Reading,” by Vera Alabaster, 20th Century, Harbour Cottage Trust (Art UK, 2021) You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay by scrolling down to the bottom of the post and clicking on the Download tab. Read Your Way to Truth, Knowledge, and Freedom There is … [continue reading]
Category: Not An Edgy Essay
The Limits of Logic: Paradoxes and The Failure of Formal Logic, #2.
Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “One ca’n’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, I sometimes believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” (Carroll, 1871/1988: pp. 91-92) TABLE OF CONTENTS … [continue reading]
The Limits of Logic: Paradoxes and The Failure of Formal Logic, #1.
Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “One ca’n’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, I sometimes believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” (Carroll, 1871/1988: pp. 91-92) TABLE OF CONTENTS … [continue reading]
Nebula Rasa: Exploring the Diaphanous, #2.
“Diaphanous” (2024) (Author, AI-generated via Freepik.com) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Two Suggestions about the Diaphanous 3. Historical Background 4. Cognitivism and Creativity: A Concise Overview 5. From Cognitivism to Propensity 6. The Work at Work, or, the Effective Present 7. The Diaphanous as Generative Stimulus 8. Conclusion This essay was previously published in … [continue reading]
Multimodal Reading and Layered Consciousness.
Two frames from Tokyo Story (dir. Yasujiro Ozu, 1953) You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay by scrolling down to the bottom of this post and clicking on the Download tab. Multimodal Reading and Layered Consciousness One of the greatest moments in the history of … [continue reading]
The Limits of Philosophy: Its Disenchantment and A Case for Epistemic Humility, #5.
(Philosophy Talk, 2016) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Example 1: Analytic Philosophy 3. Example 2: Materialism or Physicalism and Naturalism 4. Example 3: Skepticism and the Limits of Philosophy 5. Conclusion: Where To Now, Philosophy? The essay that follows will be published in five installments, one per section; this is the fifth and final … [continue reading]
Nebula Rasa: Exploring the Diaphanous, #1.
“Diaphanous” (2024) (Author, AI-generated via Freepik.com) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Two Suggestions about the Diaphanous 3. Historical Background 4. Cognitivism and Creativity: A Concise Overview 5. From Cognitivism to Propensity 6. The Work at Work, or, the Effective Present 7. The Diaphanous as Generative Stimulus 8. Conclusion This essay was previously published in … [continue reading]
The Limits of Philosophy: Its Disenchantment and A Case for Epistemic Humility, #4.
(Philosophy Talk, 2016) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Example 1: Analytic Philosophy 3. Example 2: Materialism or Physicalism and Naturalism 4. Example 3: Skepticism and the Limits of Philosophy 5. Conclusion: Where To Now, Philosophy? The essay that follows will be published in five installments, one per section; this is the fourth installment. But … [continue reading]
Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Higher Education: A Theory.
From left to right: Claudine Gay, former president of Harvard University, Elizabeth Magill, former president of the University of Pennsylvania, Pamela Nadell, a professor at American University, and Sally Kornbluth, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at a fateful hearing of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on 5 December 2023 in … [continue reading]
The Limits of Philosophy: Its Disenchantment and A Case for Epistemic Humility, #3.
(Philosophy Talk, 2016) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Example 1: Analytic Philosophy 3. Example 2: Materialism or Physicalism and Naturalism 4. Example 3: Skepticism and the Limits of Philosophy 5. Conclusion: Where To Now, Philosophy? The essay that follows will be published in five installments, one per section; this is the third installment. But … [continue reading]