TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Why Singulars? III. The Singular and the Particular IV. Singularization and Architectural Science V. Conclusion BIBLIOGRAPHY This is the first of four installments, and contains section I. I. Introduction What kind of science could an architectural science (Architekturwissenschaft) be? This question may already be complex, but even before proceeding … [continue reading]
Philosophy Talks, With Bob And Scott, #1.
Philosophy Talks, With Bob And Scott is a series of conversations about fundamental philosophical ideas, problems, and topics, from A to Z. The aim of these conversations is to move us beyond the false dichotomy between Analytic philosophy and so-called “Continental” philosophy–as if there were no other relevant alternatives: but in fact, there is at … [continue reading]
Between Affinity and Expression: Kant, Nishida, and the Sensible Foundations of Expressivity, #5: Affinity, Sensibility and Expression.
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Definitions III. Why Rethink Affinity? IV. Nishida and the Unity of Experience V. Affinity, Sensibility and Expression VI. Conclusion This is the fifth and final installment of this series, and contains sections V and VI. V. Affinity, Sensibility and Expression If “reflecting itself in itself” is the universal formula … [continue reading]
Between Affinity and Expression: Kant, Nishida, and the Sensible Foundations of Expressivity, #4: Nishida and the Unity of Experience.
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Definitions III. Why Rethink Affinity? IV. Nishida and the Unity of Experience V. Affinity, Sensibility and Expression VI. Conclusion This is the fourth of five installments, and contains section IV. IV. Nishida and the Unity of Experience If there is a recurring theme that runs as a single thread … [continue reading]
Between Affinity and Expression: Kant, Nishida, and the Sensible Foundations of Expressivity, #3: Why Rethink Affinity?
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Definitions III. Why Rethink Affinity? IV. Nishida and the Unity of Experience V. Affinity, Sensibility and Expression VI. Conclusion This is the third of five installments, and contains section III. III. Why Rethink Affinity? If we take Kant’s notion of affinity at face value, then we must conclude that … [continue reading]
THE LIMITS OF SENSE AND REASON: A Line-By-Line Critical Commentary on Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason,” #19–Kant’s Copernican Revolution as a Philosophical Abduction, The Limits of Possible Experience, Things-in-Themselves, and Practical Reason.
[I] was then making plans for a work that might perhaps have the title, “The Limits of Sense and Reason.” I planned to have it consist of two parts, a theoretical and a practical. The first part would have two sections, (1) general phenomenology and (2) metaphysics, but this only with regard to its method. … [continue reading]
“The Pig War: A Musical,” Or, A Contemporary Philosophical Allegory Filled With Pigs of Various Kinds.
You can download, read, or share a .pdf of this essay HERE. The Pig War: A Musical, Or, A Contemporary Philosophical Allegory Filled With Pigs of Various Kinds “It was eating my potatoes”… “It is up to you to keep your potatoes out of my pig.” As almost everyone knows, Canada Day occurs annually on … [continue reading]
Between Affinity and Expression: Kant, Nishida, and the Sensible Foundations of Expressivity, #2.
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Definitions III. Why Rethink Affinity? IV. Nishida and the Unity of Experience V. Affinity, Sensibility and Expression VI. Conclusion This is the second of five installments, and contains section II. II. Definitions Sensibility Sensibility (Sinnlichkeit) is “[t]he capacity (receptivity) to acquire representations through the way in which we are … [continue reading]
Between Affinity and Expression: Kant, Nishida, and the Sensible Foundations of Expressivity, #1.
TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Introduction II. Definitions III. Why Rethink Affinity? IV. Nishida and the Unity of Experience V. Affinity, Sensibility and Expression VI. Conclusion This is the first of five installments, and contains section I. I. Introduction While the philosophy of Immanuel Kant deals nowhere explicitly with the concept of creativity, nevertheless he emphasizes … [continue reading]
A Theory of Human Dignity, #14–A Five-Step Argument for the Neo-Person Thesis.
This long essay, “A Theory of Human Dignity,” presents and defends a general theory of human dignity, with special attention paid to spelling out its background metaphysics, formulating and justifying a basic set of dignitarian moral principles, and critically addressing hard cases for the theory. “A Theory of Human Dignity” is being made available here … [continue reading]