The Limits of Logic: Paradoxes and The Failure of Formal Logic, #2.

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “One ca’n’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, I sometimes believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” (Carroll, 1871/1988: pp. 91-92) TABLE OF CONTENTS … [continue reading]

The Limits of Logic: Paradoxes and The Failure of Formal Logic, #1.

Alice laughed. “There’s no use trying,” she said: “One ca’n’t believe impossible things.” “I daresay you haven’t had much practice,” said the Queen. “When I was your age, I always did it for half-an-hour a day. Why, I sometimes believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast!” (Carroll, 1871/1988: pp. 91-92) TABLE OF CONTENTS … [continue reading]

Nebula Rasa: Exploring the Diaphanous, #2.

“Diaphanous” (2024) (Author, AI-generated via TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Two Suggestions about the Diaphanous 3. Historical Background 4. Cognitivism and Creativity: A Concise Overview 5. From Cognitivism to Propensity 6. The Work at Work, or, the Effective Present 7. The Diaphanous as Generative Stimulus 8. Conclusion This essay was previously published in … [continue reading]

The Limits of Philosophy: Its Disenchantment and A Case for Epistemic Humility, #5.

(Philosophy Talk, 2016) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Example 1: Analytic Philosophy 3. Example 2:  Materialism or Physicalism and Naturalism 4. Example 3: Skepticism and the Limits of Philosophy 5. Conclusion: Where To Now, Philosophy? The essay that follows will be published in five installments, one per section; this is the fifth and final … [continue reading]

Nebula Rasa: Exploring the Diaphanous, #1.

“Diaphanous” (2024) (Author, AI-generated via TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Two Suggestions about the Diaphanous 3. Historical Background 4. Cognitivism and Creativity: A Concise Overview 5. From Cognitivism to Propensity 6. The Work at Work, or, the Effective Present 7. The Diaphanous as Generative Stimulus 8. Conclusion This essay was previously published in … [continue reading]

The Limits of Philosophy: Its Disenchantment and A Case for Epistemic Humility, #4.

(Philosophy Talk, 2016) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Example 1: Analytic Philosophy 3. Example 2:  Materialism or Physicalism and Naturalism 4. Example 3: Skepticism and the Limits of Philosophy 5. Conclusion: Where To Now, Philosophy? The essay that follows will be published in five installments, one per section; this is the fourth installment. But … [continue reading]

Free Speech, Hate Speech, and Higher Education: A Theory.

From left to right: Claudine Gay, former president of Harvard University, Elizabeth Magill, former president of the University of Pennsylvania, Pamela Nadell, a professor at American University, and Sally Kornbluth, president of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at a fateful hearing of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce on 5 December 2023 in … [continue reading]

The Limits of Philosophy: Its Disenchantment and A Case for Epistemic Humility, #3.

(Philosophy Talk, 2016) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Example 1: Analytic Philosophy 3. Example 2:  Materialism or Physicalism and Naturalism 4. Example 3: Skepticism and the Limits of Philosophy 5. Conclusion: Where To Now, Philosophy? The essay that follows will be published in five installments, one per section; this is the third installment. But … [continue reading]