You can also read or download a complete .pdf version of this essay HERE. I teach at Harvard that the world and the heavens, and the stars are all real, but not so damned real.[i] In my neighborhood, many people have put up signs that look like this: Now one thing I noticed immediately is … [continue reading]
Category: Essays
Popular Philosophy, “Populist Philosophy,” Mind-Manacled Philosophy, and Real Philosophy.
You can download a .pdf version of this edgy essay HERE. In every cry of every Man,In every Infants cry of fear,In every voice: in every ban,The mind-forg’d manacles I hear.[i] [P]hilosophy recovers itself when it ceases to be a device for dealing with the problems of philosophers and becomes a method, cultivated by philosophers, … [continue reading]
The Pragmatics of Saying “All Lives Matter”: A Critique.
By “lives,” I mean the total collection of event-sequences running all the way from the birth of consciousness in any individual human organism to its organic and/or psychological destruction or death, as it applies to human persons, i.e., self-conscious, rational, spontaneously self-legislating, and also caring, desiring, feeling, imagining, perceiving, and remembering (or in general: sensible) … [continue reading]
The Police Won’t Save You From Themselves.
The Police Won’t Save You From Themselves Fuck the police comin’ straight from the underground A young n—— got it bad cause I’m brown And not the other color so police think They have the authority to kill a minority Fuck that shit, cause I ain’t the one For a punk motherfucker with a badge … [continue reading]
“Right-Wing Populism” and Other Cynical Plots to Use Leftist Rhetoric in Service of Right-Wing Goals.
APP EDITORS’ NOTE: You can find out more about Andrew D. Chapman’s philosophical work and teaching, HERE. “Populism” is historically and by nature a left-wing ideology. This makes perfect sense, given the definitions of both “populism” and “leftism”—populism seeks to break down artificial hierarchical structures, to unite the people, and to return power to the … [continue reading]
Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, and the Chess-Obsessed.
In general, Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists [sic][i] are like people who got reasonably competent at playing chess, go to chess meetups to talk about how smart they are because they know the names of all the chess-pieces, apply chess-terminology to every aspect of life, claim that chess isn’t a game, but is, instead, the one-and-only natural … [continue reading]
Would Trump Fail The Turing Test?, Or, The Psychopath in The White House.
In order to fail The Turing Test, something that’s a machine in one or another of the legitimate senses of that term has to manifest verbal behavior that’s literally mindless in an important sense. Let’s grant for the purposes of argument that Trump is a human animal, and that his basic biological processes can be … [continue reading]
Thoughts on Postmodernity 2: The Tensions of the Past and the Fluidity of the Present.
The first essay in this series is “Thoughts on Postmodernity 1: An Impossible Presentation.” Andrew D. Chapman, in a recent APP essay,“Thoughts on the Relationship Between Postmodernism and Fascism,” makes a large number of philosophically illuminating points, spinning as it were a tightly woven spider’s web of arguments and connections. The great advantage of this … [continue reading]
Fragments of Reality, Fragments of Solidarity.
In this essay, I’d like to respond Michelle Maiese’s thought-provoking recent critical piece on APP, “Smithereens: Reflections in a Black Mirror.” Maiese presents the following (reconstructed) argument: (1) Socialism—whether democratic socialism or social anarchism (aka anarcho-socialism, libertarian socialism, etc.)—is fundamentally concerned with respect for universal human dignity; with human freedom of thought, expression, choice, and action; with … [continue reading]
Regressive “Progressivism”: Andrew Yang and the Freedom Dividend.
Do not be fooled by Andrew Yang! I’ve seen otherwise well-meaning Liberals and Progressives falling for Yang’s “Freedom Dividend”-centered presidential candidacy. Yang’s plan seems simple and obviously beneficial to the very constituencies Liberals and Progressives tend to fight for. Nevertheless, Yang either does not understand very basic macroeconomics or he is a right-wing wolf in … [continue reading]