“How Professional Academic Philosophy Assassinated Real Philosophy,” by Q You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay by scrolling down to the bottom of this post and clicking on the Download tab. My Presidential Address to the American Philosophical Association 2025 Eastern Division Meeting Members of … [continue reading]
Category: Essays
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #8–From the Fear Machine to the Malign Metaverse.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Autonomism at the Gates 2. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 3. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 4. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 5. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 6. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order 7. Aphorisms 62-83: Mechanisms of the State Apparatus 8. Aphorisms 84-109: From the Fear-Machine to the Malign … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #7–Introduction: Autonomism at the Gates.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Autonomism at the Gates 2. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 3. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 4. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 5. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 6. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order 7. Aphorisms 62-83: Mechanisms of the State Apparatus This is the seventh installment in the series, although … [continue reading]
When Professional Philosophers Become Junior Administrators.
(APA, 2022) You can also download and read or share a .pdf of this essay by scrolling to the bottom of this post and clicking on the “download” tab. When Professional Philosophers Become Junior Administrators When professional philosophers become junior administrators—as a perfect case-in-point, see the APA Blog article, “Why Philosophers Should Become Academic Leaders” … [continue reading]
Old Empires Die Hard: Some Notes on The Second Cold War. (A Postscript to “2022: The Polycrisis So Far.”)
In response to my recent edgy essay, “2022: The Polycrisis So Far,”[i] we received an interesting question from a reader, Nathan Fifield, asking us whether or not we thought that this complex of crises had the potential to develop into a new Cold War? However, this new Cold War would not only be between China … [continue reading]
WTFU: The Manifesto of The Nobodies.
You can also download and read or share a complete .pdf of this essay HERE. WTFU: The Manifesto of The Nobodies “WTFU,” pronounced “what-foo,” means wake the fuck up:[i] and that’s what I’m urging us all to do. Kantians and others will have already recognized that WTFU is a pithy, pungent contemporary equivalent of Immanuel … [continue reading]
2022: The Polycrisis So Far.
The last 20-odd years of the EU are informally known as “the polycrisis.” If we take a brief look at the past decades, we can clearly see why this is so. In the tense aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the Iraq and Afghan conflicts, as well as numerous terrorist attacks, the Western mind … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #5–The Myth of Order.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order This is the fifth installment in the series. The Myth of Order 53. Appearance of eternity. The State must appear as the natural … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #4–Confusion and Control.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order Confusion and Control 39. The State as the false prophet. The State is nothing but an ordered collection of coercive authoritarian institutions, that … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #3: Guilt and Exculpation.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order Guilt and Exculpation 25. Guilt and destabilization. The staging of a conflict that the State will always win reinforces feelings of guilt and … [continue reading]