TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Autonomism at the Gates 2. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 3. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 4. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 5. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 6. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order 7. Aphorisms 62-83: Mechanisms of the State Apparatus 8. Aphorisms 84-109: From the Fear-Machine to the Malign … [continue reading]
Category: Essays
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #7–Introduction: Autonomism at the Gates.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Autonomism at the Gates 2. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 3. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 4. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 5. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 6. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order 7. Aphorisms 62-83: Mechanisms of the State Apparatus This is the seventh installment in the series, although … [continue reading]
When Professional Philosophers Become Junior Administrators.
(APA, 2022) You can also download and read or share a .pdf of this essay by scrolling to the bottom of this post and clicking on the “download” tab. When Professional Philosophers Become Junior Administrators When professional philosophers become junior administrators—as a perfect case-in-point, see the APA Blog article, “Why Philosophers Should Become Academic Leaders” … [continue reading]
Old Empires Die Hard: Some Notes on The Second Cold War. (A Postscript to “2022: The Polycrisis So Far.”)
In response to my recent edgy essay, “2022: The Polycrisis So Far,”[i] we received an interesting question from a reader, Nathan Fifield, asking us whether or not we thought that this complex of crises had the potential to develop into a new Cold War? However, this new Cold War would not only be between China … [continue reading]
WTFU: The Manifesto of The Nobodies.
You can also download and read or share a complete .pdf of this essay HERE. WTFU: The Manifesto of The Nobodies “WTFU,” pronounced “what-foo,” means wake the fuck up:[i] and that’s what I’m urging us all to do. Kantians and others will have already recognized that WTFU is a pithy, pungent contemporary equivalent of Immanuel … [continue reading]
2022: The Polycrisis So Far.
The last 20-odd years of the EU are informally known as “the polycrisis.” If we take a brief look at the past decades, we can clearly see why this is so. In the tense aftermath of the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the Iraq and Afghan conflicts, as well as numerous terrorist attacks, the Western mind … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #5–The Myth of Order.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order This is the fifth installment in the series. The Myth of Order 53. Appearance of eternity. The State must appear as the natural … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #4–Confusion and Control.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order Confusion and Control 39. The State as the false prophet. The State is nothing but an ordered collection of coercive authoritarian institutions, that … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #3: Guilt and Exculpation.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order Guilt and Exculpation 25. Guilt and destabilization. The staging of a conflict that the State will always win reinforces feelings of guilt and … [continue reading]
Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #2: State Power.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order State Power 12. How State power works. First, give people some goodies (say, money, property, social status, adult toys, etc.) and let them … [continue reading]