APP Editors’ Note: Susan Haack’s “Scientism and its Discontents” was originally published by Rounded Globe in 2017, here. With the permission of the author, APP is hereby re-posting/re-publishing it in three parts. The full bibliography will appear at the end of this third part. Clicking on the hot links in the Table of Contents, directly … [continue reading]
Susan Haack’s “Scientism and its Discontents,” Part 2 of 3.
APP Editors’ Note: Susan Haack’s “Scientism and its Discontents” was originally published by Rounded Globe in 2017, here. With the permission of the author, APP is hereby re-posting/re-publishing it in three parts. The full bibliography will appear at the end of the third part. Clicking on the hot links in the Table of Contents, directly … [continue reading]
Susan Haack’s “Scientism and its Discontents,” Part 1 of 3.
APP Editors’ Note: Susan Haack’s “Scientism and its Discontents” was originally published by Rounded Globe in 2017, here. With the permission of the author, APP is hereby re-posting/re-publishing it in three parts. The full bibliography will appear at the end of the third part. Clicking on the hot links in the Table of Contents, directly … [continue reading]
Professional Philosophy’s Failed Revolution. Reflections on Intellectual Dictatorship, Instrumental Reason, and Neo-Fascism
The German-Jewish philosopher Walter Benjamin is often credited with the statement “behind every fascism is a failed revolution.” Allegedly, Benjamin made this statement in his essay Theories of German Fascism: On the Collection of Essays War and Warrior, edited by Ernst Jünger, and was originally published in 1930. Although the sentence seems not to be … [continue reading]
Analytic Philosophy and the Sciences.
December 20, 2016/February 6, 2017 What started as a discussion about the (doomed?) state of continental philosophy turned last week to the reasons that analytic philosophers claimed the ‘continental flag’ for themselves. Now, the discussion concludes by moving into the relationship between analytic philosophy and the sciences, and what this means for everyone. Babette Babich: … [continue reading]
How Philosophy Won the Presidency and Leads the World.
APP Editors’ Note: Professor Trumpolini holds the John Birch Society Extremely Well-Endowed, Extremely Well-Funded, and Extremely Distinguished University Professorship in Political Metaphysics at the University of The Great Wall, Del Rio TX. In my recent essay, “American Fascism” I demonstrated a priori, by means of political metaphysics, that fascism is the right politics for contemporary … [continue reading]
Claiming the Continental Flag.
December 13, 2016/January 30, 2017 The dialogue began when I asked Babette Babich what characterises the (dying) tradition of continental philosophy, and why so many philosophers feel the need to ‘claim’ the term for their work. Following on from last week, the discussion continues as we explore the appropriation of the continental title by analytic … [continue reading]
Tractatus Logico-Trumpolinus.
Professor Trumpolini in academic garb on a windy day at the Fall Convocation, University of The Great Wall, 16 December 2016. APP Editors’ Note: Professor Trumpolini holds the John Birch Society Extremely Well-Endowed, Extremely Well-Funded, and Extremely Distinguished University Professorship in Political Metaphysics at the University of The Great Wall, Del Rio TX. He is … [continue reading]
What is Continental Philosophy?
December 06, 2016/January 23, 2017 Last week I asked Babette Babich what characterises the (dying) tradition of continental philosophy, and why so many philosophers feel the need to ‘claim’ the term for their work. This week, the discussion continues as we move towards a positive exploration of continental philosophy practices, as opposed to the thriving … [continue reading]