Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! Issue #4, December 2017: US Politics, Animal Minds, & Refugees

Dear Philosopher or Philosophically-Minded Person, Do you ever think about the larger philosophical implications of contemporary events and issues, especially when reading newspapers, journals, or blogs? —Of course you do: but then what? What if you were able to convert your thinking DIRECTLY into something you were able to use for TEACHING PHILOSOPHY, for PHILOSOPHY … [continue reading]

Can There Be a Real Philosophy Department?

What is “real,” or what one might call “authentic,” philosophy? Can there be philosophy departments that practice and promote such authentic philosophy? Take the former question first. From the home page of Against Professional Philosophy (, we have the following answer to consider: By real philosophy, we mean synoptic, systematic, rational reflection on the individual … [continue reading]

Philosophy Unbound.

The painted veil, by those who were, called life, Which mimicked, as with colours idly spread, All men believed or hoped, is torn aside; The loathsome mask has fallen, the man remains Sceptreless, free, uncircumscribed, but man Equal, unclassed, tribeless, and nationless, Exempt from awe, worship, degree, the king Over himself; just, gentle, wise: but … [continue reading]

My Application for APA Diversity and Inclusiveness Funding. Kantian Social Anarchists R Us.

APP Editors’ Note: i.e. kantgoldman lives in a driftwood shanty on a beach in the Pacific Northwest, where s/he creates practical philosophy, channels Immanuel Kant and Emma Goldman, and dances like nobody’s business. Dear i.e., Time is running out to submit proposals for the APA’s small grant fund and diversity and inclusiveness funding programs. Proposals … [continue reading]

Professional Philosophy For and Against the Enlightenment.

The modern university and modern philosophy, alike, are founded on the intellectual, moral, and political ideals of the Enlightenment. But in the second decade of the 21st century, an era in which the university is not only intensely pressured from without by the demands of neoliberal politics and advanced capitalist values, but also intensely pressured … [continue reading]

McPublic Philosophy.

Recently, I received the following bit of e-propaganda from the APA– Dear Z, I am writing today to let you know that the APA board of officers has approved the following statement, which was proposed by the committee on public philosophy and the committee on the status and future of the profession: The American Philosophical … [continue reading]

The Analytic Self-Image. Thoughts on Style, Procedures, and Precision

Many essays, books and articles have been produced on the distinction between Analytic philosophy and Continental philosophy. Several recent installments in the long-running and seemingly never-ending Analytic vs. Continental debate have been posted here at APP: “Analytic” Philosophy vs. “Continental” Philosophy: Wtf? Why Does It Still Matter So Much? “Analytic” vs. “Continental” Philosophy Revisited. Which … [continue reading]