Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! Issue #7, March 2018: The Meaning of Life & the Morality of Death.

Dear Philosopher or Philosophically-Minded Person, Do you ever think about the larger philosophical implications of contemporary events and issues, especially when reading newspapers, journals, or blogs? —Of course you do: but then what? What if you were able to convert your thinking DIRECTLY into something you were able to use for TEACHING PHILOSOPHY, for PHILOSOPHY … [continue reading]

How Exquisitely the Individual Mind to the External World Is Fitted: — And How Exquisitely, too, the External World is Fitted to the Mind. (The NEW Philosoflicks 10)

Visual philosophy inspired by mountain landscapes, Wordsworth, and Hopper, HERE. Against Professional Philosophy is a sub-project of the online mega-project Philosophy Without Borders, which is home-based on Patreon here. Please consider becoming a patron! We’re improvident, but cheerful.

“Poetry is the Hero of Philosophy”: Novalis’s Metaphilosophy.

Introduction Novalis is perhaps best known to contemporary philosophers for his aphorism, “Philosophy can bake no bread; but she can procure for us God, Freedom, Immortality.” But less well known is the following sentence: “Which, then, is more practical, Philosophy or Economy?” In other words, Novalis is saying that philosophy is profoundly more practical than … [continue reading]

Philosophy Without Borders: What It Is, & Why It Matters–Four Short Talks. (Complete Audio Recording of the Philosophy Without Borders Panel Session at the Public Philosophy Network 2018 Conference, 8-10 February 2018)

‘Understanding Impact’ 4th Conference of the Public Philosophy Network Boulder, Colorado   |   February 8-10, 2018 The Public Philosophy Network announces our fourth conference on Advancing Public Philosophy. Our 2018 conference theme is Understanding Impact: What practices improve the uptake of philosophy, both across the disciplines, and throughout society? This question will be pursued through … [continue reading]

Thinking Life: A Philosophical Fiction.

This title is available everywhere, including the following popular online booksellers: Amazon: US; UK; CA; DE; IT; FR; AU; ES Barnes & Noble: paperback, Nook About the book: Thinking Life is a narrative exploration of such themes as the decline of the contemporary university, man’s alienation from nature, modern melancholia, Dionysian intoxication, the relative value of … [continue reading]

Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! Issue #6, February 2018: Poverty in the USA, Marx Redux, & the Scope of Mindedness.

Dear Philosopher or Philosophically-Minded Person, Do you ever think about the larger philosophical implications of contemporary events and issues, especially when reading newspapers, journals, or blogs? —Of course you do: but then what? What if you were able to convert your thinking DIRECTLY into something you were able to use for TEACHING PHILOSOPHY, for PHILOSOPHY … [continue reading]

Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! Issue #5, January 2018: Bakers, Buddhists, Plant Minds, & Total Work.

Dear Philosopher or Philosophically-Minded Person, Do you ever think about the larger philosophical implications of contemporary events and issues, especially when reading newspapers, journals, or blogs? —Of course you do: but then what? What if you were able to convert your thinking DIRECTLY into something you were able to use for TEACHING PHILOSOPHY, for PHILOSOPHY … [continue reading]

Why All The Truly Cosmopolitan Philosophers in the World Today Are Only 3.5 Inches Tall. The NEW Philosoflicks 9: Mr Kant and Mr Nietzsche Do Mexico City, Without Passports

Do you remember how Mr Kant and Mr Nietzsche met in The Eerie, Uncanny House of Cinema, HERE? Well now they’re out in the world, on a philosophical field trip to Mexico City, HERE.   Philosoflicks and Against Professional Philosophy are sub-projects of the online mega-project Philosophy Without Borders, which is home-based on Patreon here. … [continue reading]

Multi-Culti Is Anti-Kanti.

For … non-Kantian philosophers, there are no persistent problems — save perhaps the existence of Kantians. — R. Rorty[i] What do you think of the following argument? ARGUMENT 1 (i) E.T. is a fictional philosopher. (ii) E.T. is an alien of indeterminate gender who is personally biased against women, non-white races, non-Europeans, and blind people. (iii) Therefore, E.T.’s … [continue reading]