“Diogenes Sheltering in His Barrel,” by John William Waterhouse 146. The philosophy of borders, immigration, and refugees. Everyone was agog this past summer about US-Mexico border-control and immigration issues, split families, and the Trump Administration’s blatant xenophobia. But at the same time, as of 18 June 2018, a Gallup Poll showed that 45% of the … [continue reading]
Philosophy at a Crossroads: Escaping from Irrelevance.
APP Editors’ Note: Carlo Cellucci is a professor emeritus of philosophy at the Sapienza University of Rome. You can read more about his work, HERE. This essay was previously published in Syzetesis 5 (2018), HERE. As professional academic philosophy goes down into the ash-heap of history, il faut cultiver notre jardin. Abstract: Although there have … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #13, 1 (September 2018): Universal Basic Income and the Future of Pointless Work.
Starting in August 2018, Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is being delivered in weekly installments. Every installment contains (1) a recent article, (2) some follow-up thoughts for further reflection or discussion, and (3) a link for supplementary reading. “Money For Nothing” By Atossa Araxia Abrahamian The New Republic, 29 AUGUST 2018 URL = https://newrepublic.com/article/150506/universal-basic-income-future-of-pointless-work Some … [continue reading]
Who Are the Anarchists and What Is Anarchism? Foundations of Anarchism and Socialism 4
APP Editors’ Note: This is the fourth in a series on the historical and philosophical foundations of anarchism and socialism, with special reference to social anarchism (aka “anarcho-socialism,” “libertarian socialism,” etc.) and democratic socialism. We’ve decided to start with the Democratic Socialists of America, aka the DSA, and the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation, aka … [continue reading]
Borderless Philosophy 2 (2019): Second Call for Submissions.
The Editorial Team of Borderless Philosophy is pleased to announce a Second Call for Submissions for our second issue (2019). Borderless Philosophy is a new and highly progressive philosophy journal, whose first issue, Borderless Philosophy 1 (2018), can be found HERE. Borderless Philosophy publishes works of philosophy without any in-principle restrictions whatsoever as to length, … [continue reading]
A Radical Solution For “The Crisis in the Humanities.”
Mike Segar / Reuters I. So as not to leave you in suspense, here is my radical solution for “the crisis in the humanities”: higher education without commodification, aka HEWC. But before this no doubt surprising, if not downright baffling, assertion can have its proper philosophical impact, I’ll need to tell you what I think … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #12, 3 (August 2018): The Truth about Income Inequality, in Six Amazing Charts.
Starting in August 2018, Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is being delivered in weekly installments. Every installment contains (1) a recent article, (2) some follow-up thoughts for further reflection or discussion, and (3) a link for supplementary reading. “The Truth about Income Inequality, in Six Amazing Charts” By Michael Hiltzig Los Angeles Times, 7 AUGUST … [continue reading]
Resistance Rising: Socialist Strategy in the Age of Political Revolution. Foundations of Anarchism & Socialism 3
APP Editors’ Note: This is the third in a series on the historical and philosophical foundations of anarchism and socialism, with special reference to social anarchism (aka “anarcho-socialism,” “libertarian socialism,” etc.) and democratic socialism. We’ve decided to start with the Democratic Socialists of America, aka the DSA, and the Black Rose/Rosa Negra Anarchist Federation, aka … [continue reading]
Thinking For A Living: A Philosopher’s Notebook 7—The Philosophy of Old Age.
96. The philosophy of old age. Back in June, some dude named “Anthony Bourdain” died, apparently by suicide. I gathered from friends and the internet that he was a big deal—some sort of celebrity chef and Hunter S. Thompson-esque media personality and writer, with a twist of existentialism and a dash of progressive politics—but believe … [continue reading]
Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines!, Issue #12, 2 (August 2018): Epistocracy, Not Democracy?
Starting in August 2018, Philosophy Ripped From The Headlines! is being delivered in weekly installments. Every installment contains (1) a recent article, (2) some follow-thoughts for further reflection or discussion, and (3) a link for supplementary reading. “Epistocracy: A Political Theorist’s Case For Letting Only the Informed Vote” By Sean Illing Vox, 23 JULY 2018 … [continue reading]