A Theory of Human Dignity, #20–Kindness to Animals Revisited: Harming without Torture or Cruelty.

This long essay, “A Theory of Human Dignity,” presents and defends a general theory of human dignity, with special attention paid to spelling out its background metaphysics, formulating and justifying a basic set of dignitarian moral principles, and critically addressing hard cases for the theory. “A Theory of Human Dignity” is being made available here … [continue reading]

Ultimate Nocebos.

You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay HERE. Ultimate Nocebos In what follows, I’m going to argue that the modern State in general—by which I mean the Hobbesian classical liberal or neoliberal capitalist nation-State from the 17th century until 6am this morning—and the USA in … [continue reading]

Borderless Philosophy 5 (2022), Third & Final Call For Submissions On This Special Topic: “The End of Analytic Philosophy and/or Continental Philosophy, Yes or No? And If Yes, Then What’s Beyond?”

Borderless Philosophy’s Editorial Team, whose members currently are Dennis Earl (Coastal Carolina Univ., USA) https://www.coastal.edu/academics/facultyprofiles/humanities/philosophyandreligiousstudies/dennisearl/, Robert Hanna (Independent, USA) (Editorial Team Co-Leader) https://roberthanna.academia.edu/, Michelle Maiese (Emmanuel College, USA) http://www.emmanuel.edu/academics/our-faculty/michelle-maiese.html, Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College, USA) https://www.emerson.edu/faculty-staff-directory/pablo-muchnik, Otto Paans (Independent, Netherlands) https://tu-berlin.academia.edu/OttoPaans, and Hugh Reginald (Independent, Canada) (Editorial Team Co- Leader), is pleased to announce a Third … [continue reading]

A Theory of Human Dignity, #19–The Moral Comparison Between Real Persons And Non-Person Animals.

This long essay, “A Theory of Human Dignity,” presents and defends a general theory of human dignity, with special attention paid to spelling out its background metaphysics, formulating and justifying a basic set of dignitarian moral principles, and critically addressing hard cases for the theory. “A Theory of Human Dignity” is being made available here … [continue reading]

A Theory of Human Dignity, #18–Pain and Suffering.

This long essay, “A Theory of Human Dignity,” presents and defends a general theory of human dignity, with special attention paid to spelling out its background metaphysics, formulating and justifying a basic set of dignitarian moral principles, and critically addressing hard cases for the theory. “A Theory of Human Dignity” is being made available here … [continue reading]

What Was Analytic Philosophy?

What Was Analytic Philosophy? Contemporary Analytic philosophers like to self-present as normative models of clear-&-distinct thinking, talking, and writing, and also as veritable cognitive engines of critical, cogent, and incisive reasoning: that’s their self-advertised philosophical stock-in-trade. Hence it might come as an ironically amusing surprise to you to learn that the term “Analytic philosophy” itself … [continue reading]

Borderless Philosophy 5 (2022), Second Call For Submissions On This Special Topic: “The End of Analytic Philosophy and/or Continental Philosophy, Yes or No? And If Yes, Then What’s Beyond?”

Borderless Philosophy’s Editorial Team, whose members currently are Dennis Earl (Coastal Carolina Univ., USA) https://www.coastal.edu/academics/facultyprofiles/humanities/philosophyandreligiousstudies/dennisearl/, Robert Hanna (Independent, USA) (Editorial Team Co-Leader) https://roberthanna.academia.edu/, Michelle Maiese (Emmanuel College, USA) http://www.emmanuel.edu/academics/our-faculty/michelle-maiese.html, Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College, USA) https://www.emerson.edu/faculty-staff-directory/pablo-muchnik, Otto Paans (Independent, Netherlands) https://tu-berlin.academia.edu/OttoPaans, and Hugh Reginald (Independent, Canada) (Editorial Team Co- Leader), is pleased to announce a Second … [continue reading]