TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Babette Babich (Fordham University USA), “The Analytic-Continental Divide: ‘An Idea No Longer of Any Use … Superfluous … Let Us Abolish It!’,” 1-47: 2. Robert Hanna (Independent philosopher USA), “Six Studies in The Decline and Fall of Professional Academic Philosophy, And A Real and Relevant Alternative,” 48-130: 3. Andreas … [continue reading]
Announcing the Publication of Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy 7 (2022), With Articles on Kant & Reflection, Kant & Nishida, and Wittgenstein’s Crypto-Kantianism.
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Robert Hanna (Independent philosopher USA), “Wittgenstein’s Crypto-Kantianism and How It Subverts, Surpasses, and Supplants Analytic Philosophy,” 1-28: 2. Otto Paans (Independent philosopher NL), “Affinity and Expression: Kant, Nishida, and the Sensible Foundations of Expressivity,” 29-46: 3. Otto Paans (Independent philosopher NL), “Agency, Structuring, and Formation: Kantian Reflection and Its … [continue reading]
Gun Crazy: A Moral Argument For Gun Abolitionism.
The imagistic companion piece for this essay, “Guns Я Us: A Thought-Shaper,” is HERE. And you can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay HERE. Gun Crazy: A Moral Argument For Gun Abolitionism I. Introduction As the latest horrific mass shooting in the USA—this one at an … [continue reading]
Guns Я Us: A Thought-Shaper.
The essay companion piece for this image, “Gun Crazy: A Moral Argument For Gun Abolitionism,” is HERE. And you can also download and view or share a .pdf of this image HERE. Against Professional Philosophy is a sub-project of the online mega-project Philosophy Without Borders, which is home-based on Patreon here. Please consider becoming a … [continue reading]
Philosophy in a Newer Key: Outside the Professional Academy and Inside the Real World, #2.
This is the second of two installments, the first of which is HERE. Philosophy in a Newer Key: Outside the Professional Academy and Inside the Real World, #2. II. Philosophy in the Adjectival Key Granting all [that I’ve argued already], then real philosophy outside the professional academy is bound to take on a radically different … [continue reading]
Philosophy in a Newer Key: Outside the Professional Academy and Inside the Real World, #1.
This is the first of two installments. Philosophy in a Newer Key: Outside the Professional Academy and Inside the Real World, #1. 0. Introduction If one feels the need to philosophize, how should one finance it? This is the real question for many postgraduate and PhD students who leave the university without a paid job. … [continue reading]
“Rational Anthropology”: What’s in a Name? –Imagine a New Kind of Philosophy.
’Tis but thy name that is my enemy; Thou art thyself, though not a Montague. What’s Montague? it is nor hand, nor foot, Nor arm, nor face, nor any other part Belonging to a man. O, be some other name! What’s in a name? that which we call a rose By any other name would … [continue reading]
THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE, #24–Po-Mo Architecture, Crises in Physics and Big Science, and The One-Two Punch.
This book, THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE: Uniscience and the Modern World, by Robert Hanna, presents and defends a critical philosophy of science and digital technology, and a new and prescient philosophy of nature and human thinking. It is being made available here in serial format, but you can also download and read or share … [continue reading]
Rational Anthropology and Radical Enlightenment, #2–The Starry Heavens Above Us, The Moral Law Within Us, and The Oppressive State Around Us: Two Dignitarian Arguments.
The first installment of this essay is HERE. You can also download and read or share a .pdf of the complete text of this essay, including the BIBLIOGRAPHY, HERE. BIBLIOGRAPHY also appears in this second installment. Our age is the genuine age of criticism, to which everything must submit. Religion through its holiness, and legislation … [continue reading]
THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE, #23–High Modernism and The Rise of Post-Modernist Philosophy.
This book, THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE: Uniscience and the Modern World, by Robert Hanna, presents and defends a critical philosophy of science and digital technology, and a new and prescient philosophy of nature and human thinking. It is being made available here in serial format, but you can also download and read or share … [continue reading]