The New Subjective Body, #5–What is The New Subjective Body?

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: #1 Introduction #2 Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism #3 Detachment and Stillness #4 On Nishitani’s Anti-Nihilism The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. V. What is The New Subjective Body? The reversal or Gestalt shift that I just described juxtaposes, or … [continue reading]

The New Subjective Body, #4–On Nishitani’s Anti-Nihilism.

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: #1 Introduction #2 Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism #3 Detachment and Stillness The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. IV. On Nishitani’s Anti-Nihilism According to Nishitani, we must start with the distinction between an objectifying view of the world and a … [continue reading]

THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE, #31–Beyond The Mechanistic Worldview VI: How The Mechanical Comes To Be From The Organic.

This book, THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE: Uniscience and the Modern World, by Robert Hanna, presents and defends a critical philosophy of science and digital technology, and a new and prescient philosophy of nature and human thinking. It is being made available here in serial format, but you can also download and read or share … [continue reading]

A Philosopher’s Diary, #4–Respect For Choices vs. Respect For Persons.

The descriptive sub-title of this blog—Against Professional Philosophy—originally created and rolled out in 2013, is “A Co-Authored Anarcho-Philosophical Diary.” Now, nine years later, after more than 300,000 views of the site, this new series, A Philosopher’s Diary, finally literally instantiates that description by featuring short monthly entries by one or another of the members of … [continue reading]

The New Subjective Body, #3–Detachment and Stillness.

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: #1 Introduction #2 Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. III. Detachment and Stillness What must a new subjective position accomplish in order to resist the cycle of commodification, especially including self-commodification, and the demands of … [continue reading]

THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE, #30–Beyond The Mechanistic Worldview V: Dynamic Emergence, Life, Consciousness, and Free Agency.

This book, THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE: Uniscience and the Modern World, by Robert Hanna, presents and defends a critical philosophy of science and digital technology, and a new and prescient philosophy of nature and human thinking. It is being made available here in serial format, but you can also download and read or share … [continue reading]

The New Subjective Body, #2–Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism.

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT: #1 Introduction The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. II. Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism The postmodern commitment to rejecting any notion of “grand récits,” essentially robbed the western subjectivity from any clear anchoring points in the past. Simultaneously, it removed … [continue reading]