The New Subjective Body, #5–What is The New Subjective Body?

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: #1 Introduction #2 Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism #3 Detachment and Stillness #4 On Nishitani’s Anti-Nihilism The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. V. What is The New Subjective Body? The reversal or Gestalt shift that I just described juxtaposes, or … [continue reading]

The New Subjective Body, #4–On Nishitani’s Anti-Nihilism.

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: #1 Introduction #2 Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism #3 Detachment and Stillness The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. IV. On Nishitani’s Anti-Nihilism According to Nishitani, we must start with the distinction between an objectifying view of the world and a … [continue reading]

The New Subjective Body, #3–Detachment and Stillness.

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS: #1 Introduction #2 Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. III. Detachment and Stillness What must a new subjective position accomplish in order to resist the cycle of commodification, especially including self-commodification, and the demands of … [continue reading]

The New Subjective Body, #2–Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism.

This essay is being published in six installments. PREVIOUS INSTALLMENT: #1 Introduction The BIBLIOGRAPHY will be included in the sixth installment. II. Modernity and Postmodernity: Two Types of Nihilism The postmodern commitment to rejecting any notion of “grand récits,” essentially robbed the western subjectivity from any clear anchoring points in the past. Simultaneously, it removed … [continue reading]

A Philosopher’s Diary, #3—Against Perfectionism.

The descriptive sub-title of this blog—Against Professional Philosophy—originally created and rolled out in 2013, is “A Co-Authored Anarcho-Philosophical Diary.” Now, nine years later, after more than 300, 000 views of the site, this new series, A Philosopher’s Diary, finally literally instantiates that description by featuring short monthly entries by one or another of the members … [continue reading]

Philosophy in a Newer Key: Outside the Professional Academy and Inside the Real World, #2.

This is the second of two installments, the first of which is HERE. Philosophy in a Newer Key: Outside the Professional Academy and Inside the Real World, #2. II. Philosophy in the Adjectival Key Granting all [that I’ve argued already], then real philosophy outside the professional academy is bound to take on a radically different … [continue reading]

Where are the System-Builders? Recovering the Lost Art of Connective Thinking. 

Where are the System-Builders? Recovering the Lost Art of Connective Thinking I. Introduction: Philosophy and Universal Free Sharing Originally, I intended to submit this short piece to Academia Letters. Its scope and content may be familiar to regular readers of APP, since it deals with the consequences of (hyper)specialization in the sciences and philosophy. However, … [continue reading]