In Defense of Intuitions: A Podcast.

Most contemporary philosophers (71.1%, according to a recent survey) believe that a priori knowledge is really possible. Indeed, since the late 1980s there has been a renewed and steadily growing interest in rationalism and the a priori; and gradually what George Bealer has dubbed a rationalist renaissance has emerged onto the contemporary philosophical scene. At the same time, however, even despite this renaissance, the core notion of rational intuition has not been either adequately defended or fully developed, especially as regards solving its two core problems: (1) how rational intuitions can sufficiently justify beliefs, and (2) how to explain the real possibility of rational intuitions. Given that unstable dialectical situation, In Defense of Intuitions: A New Rationalist Manifesto, co-authored by Andrew Chapman, Addison Ellis, Robert Hanna, Tyler Hildebrand, and Henry Pickford, is an attempt to respond critically, directly, and decisively to the most important contemporary skeptical anti-rationalist attacks on intuitions and a priori knowledge in philosophy, and to defend neo-rationalism from a contemporary Kantian standpoint, with a special focus on the theory of rational intuitions and on solving its two core problems.

You can find an accessible but also fully detailed podcast on In Defense of Intuitions, created by Scott Heftler and other friends of Philosophy Without Borders, HERE.

And you can also download and read or share a .pdf of the full text of In Defense of Intuitions by clicking on the Download tab directly below.

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