Philosophy Talks, With Bob And Scott is a series of conversations about fundamental philosophical ideas, problems, and topics, from A to Z.
The aim of these conversations is to move us beyond the false dichotomy between Analytic philosophy and so-called “Continental” philosophy–as if there were no other relevant alternatives: but in fact, there is at least one–toward a broadly and radically Kantian philosophy of the future.
This is the fifth episode.
In this episode, we discuss:
1. The rise and fall of post-classical Analytic philosophy.
2. What exercised post-Quinean Analytic philosophers?
3. Manifest realism vs. noumenal realism.
4. Pure intuitions about the transfinite: direct access to the mathematical sublime.
5. What is Analytic philosophy’s problem with the non-conceptual?
6. A neo-organicist solution to the problem of consciousness.
7. How the rejection of phenomenology leads to dualism.
Philosophy Talks, With Bob And Scott–YouTube Playlist.

Against Professional Philosophy is a sub-project of the online mega-project Philosophy Without Borders, which is home-based on Patreon here.
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