Some Remarks on Russell’s Metaphilosophy. An Edgy Essay by Boethius, With a Postcript by Z (Re-edited, January 2018)

1. The Essay, by Boethius. I’ve been reading Russell here and there recently, mostly late stuff from 1942-67, with an eye to studying his metaphilosophy. There’s at least one common metaphilosophical thread with “The value of philosophy” from 1912, one thing I’ve noticed in the tone and substance of Russell’s criticism of philosophy I’d group … [continue reading]

Genuine Puzzlement: A Philosopher of Science Talks Back! to APP, & Z Replies with an Analogy. A Conversation Between PoS and Z.

APP Editors’ Note: PoS is a philosopher of science and an associate professor in a non-US subsidiary of a top-ranked US philosophy department. PoS: Your website is down, I guess professionalism is good for something after all… Z: Re website functionality: Sorry! It seems to be working fine now. Re professionalism: You might find this … [continue reading]

Plato and Professional Philosophy. Studies in Critical Metaphilosophy & Critical History of Philosophy 1.

1. A Prefatory Note, by Z. My first passionate loves in philosophy were Plato, life-changing metaphysics, early Wittgenstein, life-changing metaphysics, Whitehead, life-changing metaphysics, Kant, and life-changing metaphysics. In the late 70s, in my Plato phase, working ecstatically on my senior thesis on Plato, Kant, and the life-changing metaphysics of value (yes, 70s naif that I … [continue reading]

G Talks Back! to Against Professional Philosophy; and Images of Some of Our Favorite Women Philosophers. A Conversation Between G and Z

APP Editors’ note: G is a full-time adjunct lecturer in philosophy at a public university somewhere in North America. G: Here are some some biased and unreflective comments about APP because, as you know, most of us just don’t have much time. 1. The pages don’t load properly – long wait and had to reload … [continue reading]

Rebel Arts Education. A Simple Model for Real Research, Teaching, and Learning Outside the Professional Academic State (Re-edited November 2017)

I.  THE ESSAY. 1. It’s entirely clear that higher education is in crisis, in at least five basic ways: (i) it’s deeply “commodified” by global corporate capitalism in the age of political neoliberalism, and in thrall to a false ideal of Enlightenment Lite, as described in this APP essay— From Enlightenment Lite to Nihilism: How … [continue reading]

Production for Use. Professional Philosophy as a Highly Efficient System for Treating People Merely as Means

1.One doesn’t have to be a Kantian to realize that, other things being equal, treating people (oneself or others) merely as means, that is, treating people merely as instruments to the achievement of some other end that is beyond the best interests or dignity of those people themselves, is a morally bad thing. Of course … [continue reading]

Cognitive Self-Sovereignty. A Personal Take on Heavy Duty Enlightenment.

APP Editors’ note: Abelard is a full-time lecturer in philosophy at a public university somewhere in North America. Other recent discussions of Heavy Duty Enlightenment on APP include: From Enlightenment Lite to Nihilism: How Professional Philosophy Has Totally Let Everyone Down about the Real Purpose of an Undergraduate Liberal Arts Education. Beyond Enlightenment Lite. You … [continue reading]

The AOS is a ASS. How Specialization in Professional Philosophy Creates Disastrously Bad Philosophical Pictures

“If the law supposes that,” said Mr. Bumble,… “the law is a ass—a idiot.” –Charles Dickens, Oliver Twist, ch, 51. 1. Recently I read Samuel Wheeler’s very cool and insightful essay, “Specialization and the Future of Analytic Philosophy,” on the malign impact and implications of endemic, forced specialization, both early- and hyper-, in contemporary professional … [continue reading]