Opening Up the Space of Drawing: Lines and the Locus of Creation in Architectural Design, #3.

“Architectural sketches” (Author, 2022) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Opening Up the Space of Drawing Again 2. Structure and Argument 3. The Representational Paradigm: Three Basic Assumptions About Drawing by Hand 4. Entering the Space of Drawing: The Performative Paradigm 4.1 From neutral surface to inhabited topos 4.2. From traces to situated figurations 4.3. From … [continue reading]

Opening Up the Space of Drawing: Lines and the Locus of Creation in Architectural Design, #2.

“Architectural sketches” (Author, 2022) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Opening Up the Space of Drawing Again 2. Structure and Argument 3. The Representational Paradigm: Three Basic Assumptions About Drawing by Hand 4. Entering the Space of Drawing: The Performative Paradigm 4.1 From neutral surface to inhabited topos 4.2. From traces to situated figurations 4.3. From … [continue reading]

Opening Up the Space of Drawing: Lines and the Locus of Creation in Architectural Design, #1.

“Architectural sketches” (Author, 2022) TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction: Opening Up the Space of Drawing Again 2. Structure and Argument 3. The Representational Paradigm: Three Basic Assumptions About Drawing by Hand 4. Entering the Space of Drawing: The Performative Paradigm 4.1 From neutral surface to inhabited topos 4.2. From traces to situated figurations 4.3. From … [continue reading]

Nebula Rasa: Exploring the Diaphanous, #7.

“Diaphanous” (2024) (Author, AI-generated via TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2. Two Suggestions about the Diaphanous 3. Historical Background 4. Cognitivism and Creativity: A Concise Overview 5. From Cognitivism to Propensity 6. The Work at Work, or, the Effective Present 7. The Diaphanous as Generative Stimulus 8. Conclusion This essay was previously published in … [continue reading]