THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 10) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #9: Philosophy and pseudonymy. #8: A philosophy of the future is already here and now. #7: You are identical to your life, for better or worse. #6: Was Socrates an anarchist? #5: Conceptual analysis from a non-conceptualist point … [continue reading]
Philosophy And Pseudonymy.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 9) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #8: A philosophy of the future is already here and now. #7: You are identical to your life, for better or worse. #6: Was Socrates an anarchist? #5: Conceptual analysis from a non-conceptualist point of view. #4: Further … [continue reading]
THICK: Navigating the Great Reality Sandwich With William James.
Introduction THICK: Navigating the Great Reality Sandwich with William James, is the first volume of a trio including vol. 2, The Work of Emotion, and vol. 3, Coincidensity, or The Pacioli Principle. The term ‘thick’ was used by both William James and his brother Henry to describe the world they lived in and tried to … [continue reading]
Thoughts On The Relationship Between Postmodernism And Fascism.
I. By fascism, I mean a political ideology that valorizes the nation-state, conceived as an organic whole, and seriously depreciates or even outright rejects the autonomy and human dignity of the individual; that places highly centralized governmental coercive power in the hands of a single charismatic leader, aka “the strong man”; that glorifies violence against … [continue reading]
A Philosophy Of The Future Is Already Here And Now.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 8) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #7: You are identical to your life, for better or worse. #6: Was Socrates an anarchist? #5: Conceptual analysis from a non-conceptualist point of view. #4: Further implications of non-conceptualism: sometimes, hell is other species. #3: Implications of … [continue reading]
The New Agora.
In ancient Athens, shopkeepers, philosophers and politicians met at the foot of the Acropolis in the agora, the public square of the city. There they debated everything from the nature of justice to the wisdom of war against Sparta. There Socrates practised the dialectical method, asking the Athenian elite embarrassing questions that exposed their ignorance … [continue reading]
Consequences of “Consequences”: Against Professional Philosophy, Anarcho- or Borderless Philosophy, and Rorty’s Role.
APP Editors’ Note: The following essay was an invited submission to the online journal Analyse & Kritik, intended for its forthcoming special issue on “Rorty and Paradigm Change in Philosophy.” But now it has a philosophical life of its own. The complete version of the essay follows directly below; and here’s a downloadable .pdf of … [continue reading]
On Solving Professional Philosophy’s Irrelevance Problem.
In Robert Hanna’s recent essay, “How to Escape Irrelevance: Performance Philosophy, Public Philosophy, and Borderless Philosophy”–itself building on Carlo Cellucci’s recent essay, “Philosophy at a Crossroads: Escaping From Irrelevance”–Hanna describes and critically analyzes two contra-professional-academic-philosophy movements, namely public philosophy and performance philosophy. Both kinds of philosophy respond to the increasing irrelevance of professional academic philosophy, … [continue reading]
An Open Letter to the University of Chicago Philosophy Department, Re: “Thinking And Being: A Conference With Irad Kimhi.”
All theory, my friend, is grey But green life’s golden tree.(Faust I) If there were a verb meaning ‘to believe falsely,’ it would not have a meaningful first person present indicative. (L. Wittgenstein) I was thinking, which is something a man should not do. (Dean Jagger as Colonel Stovall, in “Twelve O’Clock High,” Twentieth Century … [continue reading]
The New Inquisitors.
Back in 2010, nobody expected the identitarian inquisition. Their chief weapons are fear, surprise, ruthless efficiency, and an almost fanatical devotion to identity politics. They have come to dominate universities, centrist and leftist political parties, much of the mass media, and the most powerful corporate tech giants. The chief dogma of The Identitarian Church is … [continue reading]