Our Sociable Sociality, #2–They Fuck You Up: Families and Sociality.

Table of Contents I. Introduction: How to Go Beyond The Mind-Body Politic II. They Fuck You Up: Families and Sociality III. There Is No Love: Intimacy and Sociality IV. Lonely Are the Brave and the Millennials: Friendships and Sociality V. “Louis, I Think This is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship”: Camaraderie-&-Solidarity, Identity, and Utility … [continue reading]

How to Philosophize with a Hammer and a Blue Guitar, #4–Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.  What I Mean By “Philosophy,” “Politics,” and “Rational” 3. Philosophical Quietism and Philosophical Activism 4. Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism 5. How and Why All Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism are Rationally Unjustified and Morally Unacceptable 6. Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism 7. How and Why the First Eight … [continue reading]

Our Sociable Sociality: The Emancipatory Politics of Everyday Life, #1–Introduction.

Table of Contents I. Introduction: How to Go Beyond The Mind-Body Politic II. They Fuck You Up: Families and Sociality III. There Is No Love: Intimacy and Sociality IV. Lonely Are the Brave and the Millennials: Friendships and Sociality V. “Louis, I Think This is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship”: Camaraderie-&-Solidarity, Identity, and Utility … [continue reading]

How to Philosophize with a Hammer and a Blue Guitar, #3–How and Why All Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism are Rationally Unjustified and Morally Unacceptable.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.  What I Mean By “Philosophy,” “Politics,” and “Rational” 3. Philosophical Quietism and Philosophical Activism 4. Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism 5. How and Why All Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism are Rationally Unjustified and Morally Unacceptable 6. Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism 7. How and Why the First Eight … [continue reading]

THE LIMITS OF SENSE AND REASON: A Line-By-Line Critical Commentary on Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason,” #4.

[I] was then making plans for a work that might perhaps have the title, “The Limits of Sense and Reason.” I planned to have it consist of two parts, a theoretical and a practical. The first part would have two sections, (1) general phenomenology and (2) metaphysics, but this only with regard to its method. … [continue reading]

How to Philosophize with a Hammer and a Blue Guitar, #2–Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.  What I Mean By “Philosophy,” “Politics,” and “Rational” 3. Philosophical Quietism and Philosophical Activism 4. Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism 5. How and Why All Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism are Rationally Unjustified and Morally Unacceptable 6. Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism 7. How and Why the First Eight … [continue reading]

THE LIMITS OF SENSE AND REASON: A Line-By-Line Critical Commentary on Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason,” #3–Aiii/Biii/GW93-97 The Dedication.

[I] was then making plans for a work that might perhaps have the title, “The Limits of Sense and Reason.” I planned to have it consist of two parts, a theoretical and a practical. The first part would have two sections, (1) general phenomenology and (2) metaphysics, but this only with regard to its method. … [continue reading]

How to Philosophize with a Hammer and a Blue Guitar: Quietism, Activism, and the Mind-Body Politic, #1.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.  What I Mean By “Philosophy,” “Politics,” and “Rational” 3. Philosophical Quietism and Philosophical Activism 4. Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism 5. How and Why All Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism are Rationally Unjustified and Morally Unacceptable 6. Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism 7. How and Why the First Eight … [continue reading]

Borderless Philosophy 3 (2020): Second Call For Submissions.

Borderless Philosophy‘s Editorial Team, whose members currently are: Dennis Earl (Coastal Carolina Univ., USA) https://www.coastal.edu/academics/facultyprofiles/humanities/philosophyandreligiousstudies/dennisearl/, Robert Hanna (Independent, USA) https://colorado.academia.edu/RobertHanna, Michelle Maiese (Emmanuel College, USA) http://www.emmanuel.edu/academics/our-faculty/michelle-maiese.html, Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College, USA) https://www.emerson.edu/faculty-staff-directory/pablo-muchnik, Otto Paans (Independent, Netherlands) https://tu-berlin.academia.edu/OttoPaans, and Hugh Reginald (Independent, Canada) (Editorial Team Leader), is pleased to announce a Second Call for Submissions for … [continue reading]

THE LIMITS OF SENSE AND REASON: A Line-By-Line Critical Commentary on Kant’s “Critique of Pure Reason,” #2.

[I] was then making plans for a work that might perhaps have the title, “The Limits of Sense and Reason.” I planned to have it consist of two parts, a theoretical and a practical. The first part would have two sections, (1) general phenomenology and (2) metaphysics, but this only with regard to its method. … [continue reading]