MORALITY AND THE HUMAN CONDITION, #2–The Standard Conception of Morality: The Moral Question and The Meaning Question.

Table of Contents I. Introduction II. The Standard Conception of Morality II.1 The Moral Question and The Meaning Question II.2 How Ethics Relates to Morality II.3 How Morality Relates to Rationality II.4 Six Famously Hard Cases III. Three Classical Challenges to the Standard Conception of Morality III.1 Moral Relativism III.2 Eight Logical Principles of Human … [continue reading]

Our Sociable Sociality, #5–“Louis, I Think This is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship”: Camaraderie-&-Solidarity, Identity, and Utility, & Conclusion.

Table of Contents I. Introduction: How to Go Beyond The Mind-Body Politic II. They Fuck You Up: Families and Sociality III. There Is No Love: Intimacy and Sociality IV. Lonely Are the Brave and the Millennials: Friendships and Sociality V. “Louis, I Think This is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship”: Camaraderie-&-Solidarity, Identity, and Utility … [continue reading]

Borderless Philosophy 3 (2020): Third and Final Call For Submissions.

Borderless Philosophy‘s Editorial Team, whose members currently are: Dennis Earl (Coastal Carolina Univ., USA), Robert Hanna (Independent, USA), Michelle Maiese (Emmanuel College, USA), Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College, USA), Otto Paans (Independent, Netherlands), and Hugh Reginald (Independent, Canada) (Editorial Team Leader), is pleased to announce a Third and Final Call for … [continue reading]

MORALITY AND THE HUMAN CONDITION: A Short Course for Philosophically-Minded People, #1–Introduction.

Table of Contents I. Introduction II. The Standard Conception of Morality II.1 The Moral Question and The Meaning Question II.2 How Ethics Relates to Morality II.3 How Morality Relates to Rationality II.4 Six Famously Hard Cases III. Three Classical Challenges to the Standard Conception of Morality III.1 Moral Relativism III.2 Eight Logical Principles of Human … [continue reading]

Our Sociable Sociality, #4–Lonely Are the Brave and the Millennials: Friendships and Sociality.

Table of Contents I. Introduction: How to Go Beyond The Mind-Body Politic II. They Fuck You Up: Families and Sociality III. There Is No Love: Intimacy and Sociality IV. Lonely Are the Brave and the Millennials: Friendships and Sociality V. “Louis, I Think This is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship”: Camaraderie-&-Solidarity, Identity, and Utility … [continue reading]

How to Philosophize with a Hammer and a Blue Guitar, #6–Philosophical Blue Guitars, & Conclusion.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.  What I Mean By “Philosophy,” “Politics,” and “Rational” 3. Philosophical Quietism and Philosophical Activism 4. Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism 5. How and Why All Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism are Rationally Unjustified and Morally Unacceptable 6. Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism 7. How and Why the First Eight … [continue reading]

Our Sociable Sociality, #3–There Is No Love: Intimacy and Sociality.

Table of Contents I. Introduction: How to Go Beyond The Mind-Body Politic II. They Fuck You Up: Families and Sociality III. There Is No Love: Intimacy and Sociality IV. Lonely Are the Brave and the Millennials: Friendships and Sociality V. “Louis, I Think This is the Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship”: Camaraderie-&-Solidarity, Identity, and Utility … [continue reading]

Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, and the Chess-Obsessed.

In general, Libertarians and Anarcho-Capitalists [sic][i] are like people who got reasonably competent at playing chess, go to chess meetups to talk about how smart they are because they know the names of all the chess-pieces, apply chess-terminology to every aspect of life, claim that chess isn’t a game, but is, instead, the one-and-only natural … [continue reading]

How to Philosophize with a Hammer and a Blue Guitar, #5–A Critique of the First Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism, and a Defense of the Ninth Variety.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction 2.  What I Mean By “Philosophy,” “Politics,” and “Rational” 3. Philosophical Quietism and Philosophical Activism 4. Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism 5. How and Why All Seven Varieties of Philosophical Quietism are Rationally Unjustified and Morally Unacceptable 6. Eight Varieties of Philosophical Activism 7. How and Why the First Eight … [continue reading]

Technologies of Togetherness.

APP Editors’ Note: An earlier version of the essay below was presented by Emre Kazim as part of An Alternative Map of the Universe, London–conceived by artists and curators, Niccolò Moronato, Jessica Taylor, Abbas Zahedi–a series of events at the Guest Projects gallery/exhibition space (Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November 2019).  The synopsis of … [continue reading]