A Theory of Human Dignity, #23–Permissible Uses of Force and Civil Disobedience (With Special Reference to Martin Luther King, Jr).

This long essay, “A Theory of Human Dignity,” presents and defends a general theory of human dignity, with special attention paid to spelling out its background metaphysics, formulating and justifying a basic set of dignitarian moral principles, and critically addressing hard cases for the theory. “A Theory of Human Dignity” is being made available here … [continue reading]

Aphorisms Toward A Cultural Philosophy For The Present Time, #6–Mechanisms of the State Apparatus.

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Aphorisms 1-11: Social Dictatorship 2. Aphorisms 12-24: State Power 3. Aphorisms 25-38: Guilt and Exculpation 4. Aphorisms 39-52: Confusion and Control 5. Aphorisms 53-61: The Myth of Order 6. Aphorisms 62-83: Mechanisms of the State Apparatus This is the sixth installment in the series. Mechanisms of the State Apparatus 62. Rituals … [continue reading]

A Theory of Human Dignity, #22–Treating People Merely as a Means.

This long essay, “A Theory of Human Dignity,” presents and defends a general theory of human dignity, with special attention paid to spelling out its background metaphysics, formulating and justifying a basic set of dignitarian moral principles, and critically addressing hard cases for the theory. “A Theory of Human Dignity” is being made available here … [continue reading]

THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE, #2–How Uncritical And Unreformed Science Is Literally Killing The Modern World.

This book, THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE FUTURE: Uniscience and the Modern World, by Robert Hanna, presents and defends a critical philosophy of science and digital technology, and a new and prescient philosophy of nature and human thinking. It is being made available here in serial format, but you can also download and read or share … [continue reading]

A Theory of Human Dignity, #21–Kindness to All Living Beings: Associate Membership in The Realm of Ends.

This long essay, “A Theory of Human Dignity,” presents and defends a general theory of human dignity, with special attention paid to spelling out its background metaphysics, formulating and justifying a basic set of dignitarian moral principles, and critically addressing hard cases for the theory. “A Theory of Human Dignity” is being made available here … [continue reading]