THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 12) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #11: From Bertrand Russell to Brazilian carnaval: how to make the world as it could be made. #10: The crisis in higher education–what is to be done? #9: Philosophy and pseudonymy. #8: A philosophy of the future is … [continue reading]
Author Archives: Robert Hanna
From Bertrand Russell to Brazilian Carnaval: How To Make The World As It Could Be Made.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 11) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #10: The crisis in higher education: what is to be done? #9: Philosophy and pseudonymy. #8: A philosophy of the future is already here and now. #7: You are identical to your life, for better or worse. #6: … [continue reading]
The Crisis In Higher Education: What Is To Be Done?
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 10) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #9: Philosophy and pseudonymy. #8: A philosophy of the future is already here and now. #7: You are identical to your life, for better or worse. #6: Was Socrates an anarchist? #5: Conceptual analysis from a non-conceptualist point … [continue reading]
Philosophy And Pseudonymy.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 9) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #8: A philosophy of the future is already here and now. #7: You are identical to your life, for better or worse. #6: Was Socrates an anarchist? #5: Conceptual analysis from a non-conceptualist point of view. #4: Further … [continue reading]
A Philosophy Of The Future Is Already Here And Now.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK (SECOND SERIES, INSTALLMENT 8) PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS IN THE SECOND SERIES #7: You are identical to your life, for better or worse. #6: Was Socrates an anarchist? #5: Conceptual analysis from a non-conceptualist point of view. #4: Further implications of non-conceptualism: sometimes, hell is other species. #3: Implications of … [continue reading]
Consequences of “Consequences”: Against Professional Philosophy, Anarcho- or Borderless Philosophy, and Rorty’s Role.
APP Editors’ Note: The following essay was an invited submission to the online journal Analyse & Kritik, intended for its forthcoming special issue on “Rorty and Paradigm Change in Philosophy.” But now it has a philosophical life of its own. The complete version of the essay follows directly below; and here’s a downloadable .pdf of … [continue reading]
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK, May 2018 – January 2019, Omnibus Edition.
The Omnibus Edition contains the first nineteen installments of THINKING FOR A LIVING, revised and collected into a single volume, as a downloadable .pdf for universal free sharing– PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #19: The incoherence and impossibility of personal immortality. #18: A new argument against capital punishment. #17: Fear, denial, and loathing in the philosophy of mind. … [continue reading]
The Incoherence and Impossibility of Personal Immortality.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK 19 PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #18: A new argument against capital punishment. #17: Fear, denial, and loathing in the philosophy of mind. #16: The political aesthetics of outer space. #15: The paradox of distributive social justice, and what is to be done? #14: How a priori knowledge is really possible. … [continue reading]
A New Argument Against Capital Punishment.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK 18 PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #17: Fear, denial, and loathing in the philosophy of mind. #16: The political aesthetics of outer space. #15: The paradox of distributive social justice, and what is to be done? #14: How a priori knowledge is really possible. #13: Is a priori knowledge really possible? … [continue reading]
Fear, Denial, and Loathing in the Philosophy of Mind.
THINKING FOR A LIVING: A PHILOSOPHER’S NOTEBOOK 17 PREVIOUS INSTALLMENTS #16: The political aesthetics of outer space. #15: The paradox of distributive social justice, and what is to be done? #14: How a priori knowledge is really possible. #13: Is a priori knowledge really possible? Yes; here’s proof. #12: Is human free agency really possible? … [continue reading]