1. Babette Babich (Fordham University USA), “The Analytic-Continental Divide: ‘An Idea No Longer of Any Use … Superfluous … Let Us Abolish It!’,” 1-47: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/bp5-2022-babette-babich-the-analytic-continental-divide-let-us-abolish-it-1-47
2. Robert Hanna (Independent philosopher USA), “Six Studies in The Decline and Fall of Professional Academic Philosophy, And A Real and Relevant Alternative,” 48-130: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/bp-5-2022-robert-hanna-six-studies-in-the-decline-and-fall-of-professional-philosophy-48-130
3. Andreas Keller (Independent philosopher DE), “Some Theses About Philosophy,” 131-146: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/bp5-2022-andreas-keller-some-theses-about-philosophy-131-146
4. John McCumber (University of California, Los Angeles USA), “Overcoming the Analytic/Continental Split: An Institutional Approach,” 147-160: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/bp-5-2022-john-mccumber-overcoming-the-analytic-continental-split-147-160
5. Otto Paans (Independent philosopher NL), “Cold Reason, Creative Subjectivity: From Scientism and The Mechanistic Worldview To Expressive Organicism,” 161-212: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/bp-5-2022-otto-paans-from-scientism-and-mechanism-to-expressive-organicism-161-212
6. George Saad (Memorial University CA), “Being and Human Being: Reflections and Projections Upon A Philosophical Tradition,” 213-223: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/bp-5-2022-george-saad-being-and-being-human-213-223
Borderless Philosophy, aka BP, which started publication in 2018 and publishes yearly in June, is an absolutely unique philosophy journal, which
publishes works of philosophy without any in-principle restrictions whatsoever as to length, philosophical content or topic, presentational format, or language.
BP’s only criteria of selection are (i) that the work be of genuine interest to philosophers or any other philosophically-minded person and (ii) that the work be generally accessible to non-academics as well as professional academics, with a minimum of scholarly apparatus.
BP publishes in English but also in any other language, alongside English translations—with the translations to be arranged by authors, but edited by the journal’s Editorial Team.
BP is online and universal free-access, here: https://www.cckp.space/
BP1 (2018) appeared in June 2018: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/2018/06/16/BP1-2018-Editors-Introduction
BP2 (2019) appeared in June 2019: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/2019/06/01/BP2-2019-TABLE-OF-CONTENTS
BP3 (2020) appeared in June 2020: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/2020/06/04/BP3-2020-TABLE-OF-CONTENTS
BP4 (2021) appeared in June 2021: https://www.cckp.space/single-post/bp-4-2021-editorial-team-table-of-contents
You can contact BP via this page: https://www.cckp.space/contact, or at this e-address: philosophywithoutborders1@gmail.com.
BP is a sub-project of the online mega-project PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS, aka PWB, an online mega-project for creating and sharing original philosophy, all of them freely available to anyone, anywhere, world-wide.
PWB is home-based on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/philosophywithoutborders.
Please consider becoming a patron!

Against Professional Philosophy is a sub-project of the online mega-project Philosophy Without Borders, which is home-based on Patreon here.
Please consider becoming a patron!