1. CSKP Editorial Team, “A Bibliography of Kant’s Writings Listed By English Translations of Their Titles,” 1-10.
2. Robert Hanna (Independent, USA), The Limits of Sense and Reason: A Line-By-Line Critical Commentary on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason, Part 1, 11-109.
3. Nora Schleich (Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz DE), “The Aestheticity of the Sublime,” 110-134.
Contemporary Studies in Kantian Philosophy, aka CSKP, which started publication in 2016 and publishes yearly in June, is the journal of The Contemporary Kantian Philosophy Project, which can be found HERE.
Contemporary Kantian philosophy is a fusion of the classical 18th century philosophy of Immanuel Kant and the methods of contemporary philosophy, within an expressly cosmopolitan framework; the range and scope of the problems and topics addressed by contemporary Kantian philosophy are as broad and as deep as the rational human condition itself.
CSKP publishes invited articles on Kant’s philosophy and in contemporary Kantian philosophy, that are normally (but neither exclusively nor necessarily) based on presentations at its annual workshops.
The basic aim of CSKP is to disseminate first-rate, original—and especially challenging, creative, and unorthodox—research in Kant’s philosophy and in contemporary Kantian philosophy, that is freely available to anyone, anywhere, worldwide; CSKP is online and universal free-access, and can be contacted at this e-address: <contemporarykantianphilosophy@gmail.com>.
CSKP1 (2016) appeared in June 2016.
CSKP2 (2017) appeared in June 2017.
CSKP3 (2018) appeared in June 2018.
CSKP4 (2019) appeared in June 2019.
CSKP5 (2020) appeared in June 2020.
CSKP is a sub-project of the online mega-project PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS, an online mega-project for creating and sharing original philosophy, all of them freely available to anyone, anywhere, world-wide, which is home-based on Patreon HERE: please consider becoming a patron!