Borderless Philosophy‘s Editorial Team, whose members currently are:
Dennis Earl (Coastal Carolina Univ., USA) https://www.coastal.edu/academics/facultyprofiles/humanities/philosophyandreligiousstudies/dennisearl/,
Robert Hanna (Independent, USA) https://colorado.academia.edu/RobertHanna,
Michelle Maiese (Emmanuel College, USA) http://www.emmanuel.edu/academics/our-faculty/michelle-maiese.html,
Pablo Muchnik (Emerson College, USA) https://www.emerson.edu/faculty-staff-directory/pablo-muchnik,
Otto Paans (Independent, Netherlands) https://tu-berlin.academia.edu/OttoPaans, and
Hugh Reginald (Independent, Canada) (Editorial Team Leader),
is pleased to announce a Second Call for Submissions for our third issue (2020).
Borderless Philosophy is a highly progressive online, universal free-access philosophy journal that publishes works of philosophy without any in-principle restrictions whatsoever as to length, philosophical content or topic, presentational format, or language.
Borderless Philosophy 2 (2019) appeared in June 2019.
Borderless Philosophy 1 (2018) appeared in June 2018.
Borderless Philosophy’s only criteria of selection are
(i) that the work be of genuine interest to philosophers or any other philosophically-minded person, and
(ii) that the work be generally accessible to non-academics as well as professional academics, with a minimum of scholarly apparatus.
Borderless Philosophy publishes in English but also in any other language, alongside English translations—with the translations to be arranged by authors, and curated by our Editorial Team.
Deadline for Submissions: 1 January 2020.
Please send your submissions to this e-address:
And please submit your work as a Word-file, if practicable.
During January 2020 your work will be reviewed by three randomly-chosen members of Borderless Philosophy’s six-person Editorial Team, and considered for publication in our third issue, which is slated to appear in June 2020.
Borderless Philosophy’s reviewing policies and procedures in the selection phase are single-blind, author-centered, and responsible.
This means that:
(i) your identity will not be revealed to the three-person selection team during the selection process,
(ii) the selection team will review your submission, make a decision, and inform you of that decision by 1 February 2020, and
(iii) if your work is deselected, you’ll also receive a short letter from the selection team spelling out their reasons for deselection, and making friendly suggestions for improvement and revision.
Selected works will move on to the work-shopping phase, editing, and finally publication in Borderless Philosophy 3 (2020).
Borderless Philosophy is a sub-project of PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS, an online mega-project for creating and sharing works of original philosophy, all of them freely available to anyone, anywhere, world-wide.
You can contact Borderless Philosophy either via this contact page:
or at this e-address:
PHILOSOPHY WITHOUT BORDERS is home-based on Patreon, here:
Please consider becoming a patron!